Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rap is more to some than others

Just like Country, Blues, or Jazz; Rap has meaning to people. To some people rap can be offensive, annoying, or even disturbing. But in others eyes, it takes them home and they can sing about their lives. "Rap is classified as urban poetry of lyrical resistance." Rap is a way for artist to express their feelings through a somewhat type of poem mixed in with beats and mixtures of music. Some people who listen to rap dont even think about the lyrics, they know them but they dont necessarily care about the violence because the beat and the voices are catchy and gets them in the groove. "First goes the beat, and then goes the lyrics! It is not as smooth and tender as classical music, not as glossy as pop, but it has the scream of pain of real emotion of the world's harshness." This shows that it doesnt have to flow or satisfy everyone like other music does, because it has its own way of getting peoples attentions.

By: Kelsey Oler

Mima. "Rap is more than music" retrieved April 11, 2008.


Toni said...

Who are you? I can't give you credit if I don't know.

Classic Rock said...

I love the way you describe what is rap: it had depper meaining than most of a people think. Rap is music genre and we shouldn't be negative towards rap, because we all have different music tastes and we should respect it.