Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Many people today find themselves arguing about the connection between drugs and Rap music. Some studies have been done to determine really how much Rap music actually influences drug use by young teens. Denise Herd, associate dean of students at the School of Public Health, "analyzed 341 lyrics from the most popular rap songs between 1979 and 1997" and found that "references to drugs increased sixfold, and there was an increase in songs featuring positive attitudes toward drugs and the consequences of drug use, and an increase in references of drug use to signify glamour, wealth and sociability" (Rap Music Glorifying Drug Use). Rap artists are definitely a key role model to young teens theses day. Therefore, getting negative messages from music media is putting them at a high risk of using drugs. Denise Herd also found that "what is discussed in rap is in code. The kids understand, but parents don't" and now it should be helpful for the parents to learn these meanings and start to monitor what their teens are listening to (Rap Music Glorifying Drug Use).

Rap Music Glorifying Drug Use. (2008). Retrieved April 2, 2008, from U.S. News and World Report site:

Written by: Morgan Hinson

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