Friday, March 28, 2008

Christian Rap

Not all rap music has a bad influence on society. There are many christian rap artists present in the hip hop world today. One Example of this is a pair of rap artists from Tennessee known as Grits. They rap about struggles that they have overcome without using vulgrity and violent terms. In addition they tend to rap about girls in a positive way. Portraying the beauty of the girl's heart as opposed to how "hot" she is on the outside. Overall Grits is an uplifting rap group that has meaningful lyrics to go along with their outragous beats.

About us. (2004). Retrieved March 28, 2008.
Rap has several effects on people nowadays. Depending on the artist and what they say in their lyrics, determines how some people, especially young teens, live their lives. The number of teen suicides has gone up dramatically due to such violent music; as well as, violence against others. “Two young women were caught stabbing a man to death in Detroit, MI. One of the girls admits that she had thought it would be fun because that is what ‘the rappers’ do”. (
I think music plays a large role in our lives and how we deal with certain things. Unfortunately, some don't necessarily know how separate their lives from what is not real.

Written by: Lauren Welch

The Effects of Violent Music on Teens, Including Suicide. (2006). Retrieved March 28, 2008.
Should rap music really be blamed for teen pregnancies? Some researchers agree, but it mainly depends on how closely parents are monitoring what their children are listening to. There is really no way to completely stop the production of dirty lyrics. Therefore, it comes down to limiting what teens listen to. On the other hand, does it influence teen’s thoughts about sexuality? Of course it does because “Rap stars are encouraging early sexual activity among teenagers by promoting a degrading view of women” and portraying men as “sex-driven studs” in their music videos. On top of the appalling lyrics, the gestures in Rap videos allows teens to view things that they might think is appropriate and “cool” because their favorite artist is doing it. Parents can try as much as they want to protect their teens from sexuality being exposed at such a young age, but they will be exposed sooner or later and it’s up to their childhood morals to steer them away from engaging in sex and risking another teen pregnancy.

Written by: Morgan Hinson

Rap Music Blamed For Teen Pregnancy. (2006). Retrieved March 27, 2008, from Daily Mail Web site: